Quick reference guide to machine troubleshooting

Coffee comes out too slow:
Basket has been over-dosed with ground coffee, tamp pressure too hard, grind is set too fine, dispersion screens are badly blocked (rarely)

  • Repeat dose ensuring basket is filled to appropriate level (18-20g)
  • Ensure correct tamping pressure is used
  • Adjust the grinder setting making the particle size Coarser
  • Remove dispersion screens and clean

Coffee comes out too fast:
Basket has been under-dosed with ground coffee, tamp pressure too little, grind is too coarse, damaged filter basket.

  • Repeat dose ensuring basket is filled to appropriate level (18-20g)
  • Ensure correct tamping pressure is used
  • Adjust the grinder setting making the particle size Finer
  • Check filter basket for damage replace if necessary

Water leaking from around sides of coffee handle during extraction:
Head seals are worn, Handle isn't engaged fully into group head.

  • Have technician replace head seals)
  • Try tightening the handle into the group head

Machine is lacking steam pressure:
Steam tip is beginning to block up, Too much hot water has been drawn from machines boiler, Pressure stat is faulty, Steam tap has a leak, Power supply to machine is deficient.

  • Unblock tip of steam arm using end of head cleaning brush
  • Reframe from drawing too much hot water for other purposes, allow machine to recover if drawing hot water for other purposes
  • Call NEKTAR's technician

Water leaks from under the machine:
In most cases the coffee waste drain is blocked from coffee grounds or hose has come off the drain container, Waste bucket is full and causing an air lock in waste hose.

  • Remove drip tray from machine and assess if waste drain is blocked with coffee grounds, if so, unblock.
  • Re attach hose to drain container
  • Empty waste bucket
  • Check date on bag of coffee. (Allow 7days from roasted date)

Machine has no pump pressure:
Water supply has been turned off or interrupted, rotary pump is faulty, machine is turned off.

  • Check machine gauge, is the machine running at 9bar?
  • Call NEKTAR's technician
  • Ensure machine is turned on

Coffee extraction deteriorates rather rapidly (10-20secs):
Incorrect dosing, Tamping pressure too soft, grinder burrs need replacing, group water temp incorrect, beans too fresh.

  • Check correct tamping pressure is used
  • Call NEKTAR's technician to replace grinder burrs
  • Call NEKTAR's technician
  • Check date on bag of coffee. (Allow 7days from roasted date)

Extraction is pale and crema breaks up too fast (especially on long blacks)
Under extracted coffee shot, beans too fresh, group water temp incorrect, grind needs adjusting, incorrect bean storage, beans too old.

  • Allow 7days from date beans were roasted
  • Call NEKTAR's technician
  • Adjust coffee grinder setting and repeat using single handle to relojes imitacion calibrate grind settingn
  • Ensure beans are stored correctly, (air tight, away from direct sunlight/heat)
  • Check date on bag, if older than 4weeks, beans will become rancid

If further assistance is required, contact our NEKTAR Technicians

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